Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Frau (Leilani Hermiasih)

Namanya Leilani Hermiasih atau ngetop dengan nama Frau. Musiknya cerdas dan kreatif, dan selalu bertema. Jelas dia tahu tema apa yang paling pas dengan suaranya dan membawa suasana ke dalam dunianya :)

Her first album, Starlit Carousel, 2008
This album sounds a lot like mysterious melodies in the unused theme park, if you ever watch Zombieland or Dead Silence, this is the music they should add to their motion picture.

Hear Starlit Carousel via soundclound and get the download link by clicking the link below

Her recent album, Happy Coda 
Still a little theatrical and imaginary, but in a happier atmosphere. Like dancing with disney princesses in a bright park full of flowers.

Hear Happy Coda via soundclound and get the download link by clicking the link below

Wanna join me to enter her world and sounds of imagination? Let's go to the theme park, these album would bring you there in your dream.

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