Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

i am dragged

I have been 'trapped' in the world of super hard-working girls and boys. Most of my best friends are boys with a big ambition and spirit to reach a success. And the rest of my friends are a number of girls that keep on struggling the non-ending work. But I have to thank God, everyone, really everyone admit that they are kind of people that would always be missed. They're so smart-academically-, but they also smart in social life. It's a great memory to laugh with them everyday for entire of my college life. And guys, you would always be missed.
This is my confession, i miss you all already, B Class of 2009.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

after all this time

After all this time, i realize, yeah, I am still so deeply in love with you and I would always be.
Here you are, not the one that everybody think about lately. It's not 'you', if you are reading this.
I still so deeply in love with you, in any different way you can never imagine. Not that kind of love. Now i can say that my friend is right. And you can love with all your heart when loving someone is too mainstream.

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Five Hundred Days of Summer

This is one of my favorite romance-comedy motion picture ever, Starring the beautiful big-eyed Zooey Deschanel and a handsome yet cute man Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It's quite hard to explain the film, but i've got a quote instead to tell it as simple as possible.

"This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know upfront, this is NOT a love story."

It would show you that life is never as perfect as a fairytale, but when you are always positive, every tale has beauty. If you haven't watch it, watch it soon and answer this based in how you feel.
" What do you think of the story?'

-It's reality. I mean it is possible and we have to get ourself ready for kinda thing like this.
-It's sad and i don't wanna ever end up like this. It would be very frustrating.
-This relationship are cute. Even they're not together at the end, they had shared happinness and energy in their own riddiculous way.

Are you a realistic, pessimistic, or optimistic?
I choose the last answer.

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Pembicaraan 11 Orang Sahabat di Penghujung Hari.

Maybe every talk we've ever did is awesome. And maybe it would always be. Like tonight.

"Gue ga suka mencium orang kalo ga ada rasa ke dia" - Mike

"Gue suka cewe gue yg lebih senang cewek yang suka romantisin cowok tapi hanya ke cowoknya loh. tapi gue ga bisa cewe lebih dominan dlm hubungan." -Arnold

"Gue lebih menghargai kehadiran dan usaha daripada hadiah yang mewah" - Clara

"Gue lebih suka cowok yang jago olahraga daripada musik" - Marsha

"Jawaban Cuncun menunjukkan dia samasekali ga punya minat buat selingkuh." - Hana

"Gue lebih suka cowok yang tegas mukanya daripada cowok cantik." - Nefti

"Kalo ada strawberry ranum tapi bukan di kebon gue, ya nggak bakal gue petik. Meskipun kebunnya nggak berpagar" - Hendry

"Gue ga mau cowok yang lebih putih ato lebih pendek dari gue." - Cynthia

"Kalo secara fisik yang pertama gue lihat idung. Kalo nonfisik, gue suka yang nggak jaim." - Dipta

Pembicaraan yang berlangsung sampai empat jam ini sesungguhnya iseng dan isinya banyak diselingin becandaan bego. Sampai menyadari pas pulang saking malemnya (bahkan udh ganti hari) Jalan Sudirman itu lengang sangat terkendali. Tapi pembicaraan ini sangat asyik. Iseng tapi bermakna. Dan satu lagi, waktu bener-bener ga berasa ya kalau kita lagi sama sahabat yang kita sayangi :)

Kayak kata Acel :
"Best friend itu ga ada. Yang kita bilang best friend selama ini adalah orang yang saling sayang dan cocok banget tp krn berbagai hal, apapun itu, ga mungkin bersama."

Ya, jadi bukan suatu kesalahan kalo gue bikin statement : Gue cintaaa banget sama orang - orang ini dan menyatakan cinta bagi mereka bukan hal yang tabu bagi gue :')

Ps : Sue, Mario, we miss you and you should be here! haha

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

First Birthday Moment After Graduation

"The greatest friend is not who came first but who stay forever and never leave your side"
Happy birthday (one of) my best friend, my favorite friend, Ignatius Arnold Achdijanto! Happy Twenty-Two!

Thanks for the four years of college we've been sharing, and hope it still counting. Truthfully we ever had fights, but in the end i realize i love you and you are one of my favorite college-disaster-maker!

TODAY is much more than Arnold's birthday surprise. Maybe like..an early reunion of our friendshiphood. It's so sad that Nefti, Cynthia, and Sue weren't here tonight. It's so fun that we are, the working girls and boys-with some of them are finishing their last fight in college, arranging a birthday su(pe)rprise for Arnold. We buy a cake and a canvas, stick a photo and our signature+wishes on the canvas, and hid in his room with locking every common doors like there's nobody's home. Then he opened the locked room and i shocked that he shocked to death at the time! Hahaha
We had a lot of fun after that. Really a lot of fun
Eating cakes and his mom's homemade jelly and baked macaroni. Laughed until the day end in a karaoke spot near Sunrise Garden, Kedoya. Tell weird jokes (it's what others said) and funny facts. More than that, share love. And i realized i don't want this togetherness to end. I hope that how far we go and how long we travel, we always would have a little time together like this.
Sheila on 7's song closed our warm meeting in the karaoke perfectly, before we hug each other and left with a bittersweet smile :)

"Bersenang-senanglah karena hari ini akan kita rindukan di hari nanti. Sebuah kisah klasik untu masa depan. Bersenang-senanglah karena waktu ini akan kita banggakan di hari tua. Sampai jumpa kawanku..Semoga kita selalu menjadi sebuah kisah klasik di masa depan."

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

The best you can give

The best gift you can ever give is your time. Time to suppport your loved ones, time to help them, and time to encourage them to still stand tall and help themselves when you cannot help them anymore.
The best gift of all. Never leave anyone you love and no one would leave you.