Sabtu, 30 November 2013


People said that everyone that show up in our dream as a main role is the one that missing us so bad.
Maybe it's God's way to tell you that someone's missing you and it's not the time yet to forget about that person. Maybe it's the way of God communicating two people that used to talk to each other directly everyday in the past.

Somehow, I hope that is true.

Jumat, 29 November 2013

That Catching Fire

I loove The Hunger Game series. I've read the novel. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.
I love the main character of the story, Katniss Everdeen since the first film hasn't released yet. I remember her in the novel, and exactly find that my imagination of Katniss, her hair, her style, her expression, her gesture, or even her body and face shape is the same with her image in the film. I am pretty amazed, I can never guess someone's inage better than this. I find that I am deeply in love with her personality, but I confess, I really don't know why and what.
Yesterday I watched the second film at a cineplex near house by myself and I realized something.
Why I am so in live with Katniss even I don't know why.
Now I know the reason.
By watching this second film I realized and remembered that since I was in preschool I really want to be someone that want to make everyone I love happy and save, eventhough they hate me sometimes when I am trying to save them. I want to be fearless and skilled, I hope I could choose who I have to trust and who I have to fooled. And after all, I want to be fighter who can never give up. not never want to give up. CAN NEVER give up. I want to be a warrior, for myself and for my loved people.
Then, now I am so pathetically envied Katniss to have all of that things that I only can dreaming of.
So I decided, I have to move and get up before someone stealing my dreams. Katniss is enough, she's just someone in a story. I want to be that person that I used to dreaming of since I was a toddler.

I want to be that living Katniss Everdeen.

Minggu, 24 November 2013

Don't Wait

To do something important,
Sign up for a work
Doing assignments
Help someone in need
Say love to someone
And show that you care about some issue

You do never need to get any companion. Belief is the greatest company you could ever ask for.

Selasa, 19 November 2013

The Truth of a Triangle Love

1st Point of view
Bluebird - Sara Bareilles

Word came through in a letter
One of us changing our minds
You won't need to guess who since I usually do
Not send letters to me that are mine
I told him I saw this coming
That I'd practically packed up my things
I was glad at the time that I said I was fine
But all honesty knows I wasn't ready, no
And so here we go, bluebird
Back to the sky on your own
Oh, let him go, bluebird
Ready to fly, you and I
Here we go
Here we go
This pair of wing's worn and rusted
From too many years by my side
They can carry me, swear to be sturdy and strong
But see, turning them on still means goodbye
And so here we go, bluebird
Gather your strength and rise up
Oh, let him go, bluebird
Oh, let him go, bluebird
Oh, let him go, bluebird
Ready to fly, you and I
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go

Writer(s): SaraBareilles

2nd Point of view
Bluebird - Christina Perri

How the hell does a broken heart
get back together when it’s torn apart?
Teach itself to start
beating again?
This little bluebird
came looking for you
I said that I hadn’t seen you
in quite some time
And this little bluebird
she came looking again
I said we weren’t even friends
she could have you
Don’t you think it was hard?
I didn’t even say that you died
But it wouldn’t have been such a lie
‘cause then I started to cry
This little bluebird
sure won't give it a rest
She swears that you may be
better than all the rest
I said, “No, oooooooo
you’ve got it all wrong.
If he was something special
I wouldn’t have this song.”
And don’t you think it was hard?
I didn’t even say that you died
But it wouldn’t have been such a lie
‘cause then I started to cry
How the hell does a broken heart
get back together when it’s torn apart?
And teach itself to start beating again?
What if when she comes over,
I am in your arms
taking all I want from you again?
How the hell does a broken heart
get back together when it’s torn apart?
Teach itself to start beating again?
How the hell does a broken heart
get back together when it’s torn apart?
Teach itself to start beating again?
Beating again
This little blue bird
wont come right here anymore
so i went lookin for her
and i found
... you

3rd Point of view
Me and Mrs. Jones - Michael Buble

Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing going on
We both know that it's wrong
But it's much too strong
To let it go now
We meet every day at the same cafe
Six-thirty and no one knows she'll be there
Holding hands, making all kinds of plans
While the juke box plays our favorite songs
Me and Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones
We got a thing going on
We both know that it's wrong
But it's much too strong
To let it go now
We gotta be extra careful
That we don't build our hopes up too high
'Cause she's got her own obligations
And so do I
Me and Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones
Well, it's time for us to be leaving
And it hurts so much, it hurts so much inside
And now she'll go her way and I'll go mine
But tomorrow we'll meet
At the same place, the same time
Me and Mrs., Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. Jones
Same place
We both know that it's wrong
Same time
Every day at the same cafe
Same place
We got a thing going on
We know it's wrong
Same time
But it's much too strong

P.S :
It's over when it's over. And nothing should take something's place before that 'something' is over, right?
Live wisely. And be lovely :)

Selasa, 12 November 2013

Kisah Tanpa Cerita

Sebuah lagu karya Banda Neira

Fajar menyingsing
Kali ini dari utara
Salju turun percaya saja
Meski belum waktunya

Perempuan di paruh waktu
Hatinya teguh di tempat kalut
Lelaki di ujung tanduk
Harapannya sederhana
Sekisah, tanpa cerita
Sekisah, tanpa cerita

Angin menanti dengar
Suara burung berpulang
Sore itu tak biasanya
Tak ada cahaya di jendela

Perempuan di paruh waktu
Hatinya teguh di tempat kalut
Lelaki di ujung tanduk
Harapannya sederhana
Sekisah, tanpa cerita
Sekisah, tanpa cerita.

Jika yang tersisa hanya kita berdua
Jika yang menggila hanya ada kita berdua
Lekas! Jauh..Jauh pergi
Lekas! Jauh..Jauh pergi..

Just the way it supposed to be.

Not to claim that I have everything under my control,
Nor claiming that I'm the one that need attention.
Sometimes a man have to take a lead
Grab your hand and bring you to the middle of nowhere
Take you into risky decisions instead keeping you warm in a safer place.
And sometimes you have to be just like his mom
Caring, showering love, but letting him make mistakes
To let them learn what's right and what's wrong
To love is to place yourself just the way you supposed to be.
To love, not expecting to be loved.
Ego are not accepted here :)

Senin, 11 November 2013


I look up the sky
Planets are moving at the speed of light
Our hopes and expectations
black hole and revelations
But I can't make you love me if you don't

Simple thing, where have you gone?
Somewhere only we know
I've been waiting for you for so long
Knowing that love is to share
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.
I'll walk this seven seas when there's a reason to write you a love song today

Right now there's a world between the vanities
All I see is you and me
A fight for you is all i've ever known
So come home.

(Coldplay - Speed of Sound | Muse - Starlight | Bon Iver - I Can't Make You Love Me | Keane - Somewhere Only We Know | The Beatles - Here, There, Everywhere | Elton John - Your Song | Sara Bareilles - Love Song | One Republic - Come Home), thanks for those awesome songs! :D

Sometimes words fail, but music don't. So I swim deep into several songs to keep me remember who I exactly am.

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

i am dragged

I have been 'trapped' in the world of super hard-working girls and boys. Most of my best friends are boys with a big ambition and spirit to reach a success. And the rest of my friends are a number of girls that keep on struggling the non-ending work. But I have to thank God, everyone, really everyone admit that they are kind of people that would always be missed. They're so smart-academically-, but they also smart in social life. It's a great memory to laugh with them everyday for entire of my college life. And guys, you would always be missed.
This is my confession, i miss you all already, B Class of 2009.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

after all this time

After all this time, i realize, yeah, I am still so deeply in love with you and I would always be.
Here you are, not the one that everybody think about lately. It's not 'you', if you are reading this.
I still so deeply in love with you, in any different way you can never imagine. Not that kind of love. Now i can say that my friend is right. And you can love with all your heart when loving someone is too mainstream.

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Five Hundred Days of Summer

This is one of my favorite romance-comedy motion picture ever, Starring the beautiful big-eyed Zooey Deschanel and a handsome yet cute man Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It's quite hard to explain the film, but i've got a quote instead to tell it as simple as possible.

"This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know upfront, this is NOT a love story."

It would show you that life is never as perfect as a fairytale, but when you are always positive, every tale has beauty. If you haven't watch it, watch it soon and answer this based in how you feel.
" What do you think of the story?'

-It's reality. I mean it is possible and we have to get ourself ready for kinda thing like this.
-It's sad and i don't wanna ever end up like this. It would be very frustrating.
-This relationship are cute. Even they're not together at the end, they had shared happinness and energy in their own riddiculous way.

Are you a realistic, pessimistic, or optimistic?
I choose the last answer.

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Pembicaraan 11 Orang Sahabat di Penghujung Hari.

Maybe every talk we've ever did is awesome. And maybe it would always be. Like tonight.

"Gue ga suka mencium orang kalo ga ada rasa ke dia" - Mike

"Gue suka cewe gue yg lebih senang cewek yang suka romantisin cowok tapi hanya ke cowoknya loh. tapi gue ga bisa cewe lebih dominan dlm hubungan." -Arnold

"Gue lebih menghargai kehadiran dan usaha daripada hadiah yang mewah" - Clara

"Gue lebih suka cowok yang jago olahraga daripada musik" - Marsha

"Jawaban Cuncun menunjukkan dia samasekali ga punya minat buat selingkuh." - Hana

"Gue lebih suka cowok yang tegas mukanya daripada cowok cantik." - Nefti

"Kalo ada strawberry ranum tapi bukan di kebon gue, ya nggak bakal gue petik. Meskipun kebunnya nggak berpagar" - Hendry

"Gue ga mau cowok yang lebih putih ato lebih pendek dari gue." - Cynthia

"Kalo secara fisik yang pertama gue lihat idung. Kalo nonfisik, gue suka yang nggak jaim." - Dipta

Pembicaraan yang berlangsung sampai empat jam ini sesungguhnya iseng dan isinya banyak diselingin becandaan bego. Sampai menyadari pas pulang saking malemnya (bahkan udh ganti hari) Jalan Sudirman itu lengang sangat terkendali. Tapi pembicaraan ini sangat asyik. Iseng tapi bermakna. Dan satu lagi, waktu bener-bener ga berasa ya kalau kita lagi sama sahabat yang kita sayangi :)

Kayak kata Acel :
"Best friend itu ga ada. Yang kita bilang best friend selama ini adalah orang yang saling sayang dan cocok banget tp krn berbagai hal, apapun itu, ga mungkin bersama."

Ya, jadi bukan suatu kesalahan kalo gue bikin statement : Gue cintaaa banget sama orang - orang ini dan menyatakan cinta bagi mereka bukan hal yang tabu bagi gue :')

Ps : Sue, Mario, we miss you and you should be here! haha

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

First Birthday Moment After Graduation

"The greatest friend is not who came first but who stay forever and never leave your side"
Happy birthday (one of) my best friend, my favorite friend, Ignatius Arnold Achdijanto! Happy Twenty-Two!

Thanks for the four years of college we've been sharing, and hope it still counting. Truthfully we ever had fights, but in the end i realize i love you and you are one of my favorite college-disaster-maker!

TODAY is much more than Arnold's birthday surprise. Maybe early reunion of our friendshiphood. It's so sad that Nefti, Cynthia, and Sue weren't here tonight. It's so fun that we are, the working girls and boys-with some of them are finishing their last fight in college, arranging a birthday su(pe)rprise for Arnold. We buy a cake and a canvas, stick a photo and our signature+wishes on the canvas, and hid in his room with locking every common doors like there's nobody's home. Then he opened the locked room and i shocked that he shocked to death at the time! Hahaha
We had a lot of fun after that. Really a lot of fun
Eating cakes and his mom's homemade jelly and baked macaroni. Laughed until the day end in a karaoke spot near Sunrise Garden, Kedoya. Tell weird jokes (it's what others said) and funny facts. More than that, share love. And i realized i don't want this togetherness to end. I hope that how far we go and how long we travel, we always would have a little time together like this.
Sheila on 7's song closed our warm meeting in the karaoke perfectly, before we hug each other and left with a bittersweet smile :)

"Bersenang-senanglah karena hari ini akan kita rindukan di hari nanti. Sebuah kisah klasik untu masa depan. Bersenang-senanglah karena waktu ini akan kita banggakan di hari tua. Sampai jumpa kawanku..Semoga kita selalu menjadi sebuah kisah klasik di masa depan."

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

The best you can give

The best gift you can ever give is your time. Time to suppport your loved ones, time to help them, and time to encourage them to still stand tall and help themselves when you cannot help them anymore.
The best gift of all. Never leave anyone you love and no one would leave you.

Senin, 30 September 2013

cari teman

Carilah teman yang membuat lo seperti punya pacar.
Ketika lo sakit, ada yang jagain. Ketika dia sakit lo juga selalu pengen membantu.
Ketika lo ada masalah dan sebaliknya, dia tahu kapan harus bicara dan kapan harus diam.
Ketika lo bahagia dan sebaliknya, ga saling iri hati.
Ketika lo mencapai kesuksesan dan sebaliknya, saling membantu untuk mempertahankan kesuksesan dan tetap rendah hati.
Ketika lo salah dia selalu mengingatkan, begitu pula sebaliknya.

Dan yang paling penting adalah
Ketika lo benar tapi seluruh dunia mengabaikan pembelaan lo, dia akan tetap percaya.
Tonggak hubungan adalah kepercayaan kan?
Dan gue percaya semua orang punya kesempatan untuk menjadi lebih baik :)

Minggu, 15 September 2013

Nelangsa Riang - Banda Neira

Bandung, Vanilla Kitchen & Wine
Sabtu 14 September 2013

Akhirnya nonton Banda Neira live setelah selama ini cuma ketemu Nanda nya itupun sekali karena pesen CD dan sekali karena kebetulan (dih random banget ya hidup gue haha). Ya meskipun gue cuma sama adek dan besokannya gue kudu pulang ke Jakarta juga. Tapi tempatnya asik dan band lain yang perform juga kece. Jadi makin senang :'

Gue pengen ngasih quote, entah ini orisinil gue atau sudah pernah dikatakan orang lain. Pokoknya pengen bilang aja,

"People love you not because of your style, but your attitude."

Yep! People love them because of this.
Dulu gue tau lagu mereka dari sahabat gue, Rachel. Dan ternyata mereka humble banget sampe Nanda-nya mau nganter sendiri cd nya ke yang pesen. Kebetulan gue termasuk, alhamdulillah :'
Gue mencintai Banda Neira justru setelah ngomong dengan mereka. They really have that 'star attitude'. Ga sok ngartis. Semoga begini terus yan sampe seterusnya.

Jadi duo nelangsa riang ini bawain banyak lagu sih sebenernya, gue lupa ada yang keskip apa nggak. Yang jelas bawain Kapal Kertas, Di Beranda, Rindu, Kau keluhkan, Berjalan Lebih Jauh, dan ada lagu baru mereka yang pertama kali mereka bawain. Senang :'
Di Beranda sih berasa banget secara orang tua gue di Manado, dan gue kuliah di Jakarta selama 4 tahun dan sekarang lulus juga layaknya menetap di Depok sama ade.

Dan satu lagi, tadi gue baru sadar pas mereka nyanyi lagu Rindu semua orang ikutan nyanyi. Lagu 'Rindu' itu liriknya diambil dari puisi seorang sastrawan lama, panutan di Indonesia, Soebagjo Sastrowardojo. Makasih Kak Rara rekomemdasinya dulu jadi nyari-nyari puisinya :'
Dalam hal ini gue terharu, makasih banyak Banda Neira sudah memperkenalkan puisi indah sang maestro Soebagjo Sastrowardojo ke khalayak ramai terutama pendengar kalian. Bahkan, membuat puisi itu bergaung terus selama kalian menyanyikannya. Juga bergaung di telinga. Semoga musikalisasi puisi para maestro selalu ada minimal satuuu aja di tiap album kalian. Makasih penghargaannya terhadap sastra kita (meskipun gue anak arsitek dan bukan sastra, tapi gue cinta sastra). Makasih banyak loh Banda Neira! Dan mereka keren banget malam ini..karena kesederhanaan mereka :3

Nb : Oh ya sedih nih "Mawar" ga dinyanyiin padahal suka banget banget :''''

Kamis, 12 September 2013


Ever design a space for pedestrians? Or any other furniscape that refers to human's need? Do every human have the same ability with us? Sadly, no.
We know there's some groups of people that called handicapped people. They are the same with us, but they need more help because their disabilities. And as an architect or urban designer, or any designer, should never forget about their special needs.

"Despite some good legislation over the past four decades, disabled people are still not very visible in public life, and only 50% of disabled people of working age and who are willing to work, are in employment." - BBC News by Damon Rose, December 13, 2012

Now, can we think about us? The normals and the handicapped live together in a human-friendly space and there's no social boundaries between them.

"Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understand you." - Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan

This is not an idea or a proposal but this is a social protest, begging for architects, designers, and planners to build afriendly environment, for everyone.
Now. We. Should. Really. Start. To. THINK

Gonna Get Over You - Sara Bareilles

And I'm not the girl that i intend to be. I dare you darling just wait and see. But this time not for you but just for me
And I say,
Oh, how'm I gonna get over over you? I'll be alright, just not tonight. Someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay. I'll be alright. Just not tonight. SOMEDAY.

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013


tidak takutkah kamu akan penyihir di dalam buku?
bukan, bukan yang itu.
bukan penyihir berdagu panjang dan berjubah gelap
dia penyihir yang diam namun banyak membuka fakta
bisa membuatmu baik, bisa membuatmu jahat,
bisa membuatmu kreatif
dan bisa mendorongmu kemapaun
kamu bisa membakarnya
tetapi sekali tersentuh rasa
dia tidak bisa lenyap dari pikiran
berhati-hatilah, dia penyihir yang kuat

Frau (Leilani Hermiasih)

Namanya Leilani Hermiasih atau ngetop dengan nama Frau. Musiknya cerdas dan kreatif, dan selalu bertema. Jelas dia tahu tema apa yang paling pas dengan suaranya dan membawa suasana ke dalam dunianya :)

Her first album, Starlit Carousel, 2008
This album sounds a lot like mysterious melodies in the unused theme park, if you ever watch Zombieland or Dead Silence, this is the music they should add to their motion picture.

Hear Starlit Carousel via soundclound and get the download link by clicking the link below

Her recent album, Happy Coda 
Still a little theatrical and imaginary, but in a happier atmosphere. Like dancing with disney princesses in a bright park full of flowers.

Hear Happy Coda via soundclound and get the download link by clicking the link below

Wanna join me to enter her world and sounds of imagination? Let's go to the theme park, these album would bring you there in your dream.

empat bocah

Here are my forever mate (hopefully).
We are studying in four very different majors and being friends since studied in BINSUS Senior High School Manado. Computing, economic, health, and architecture. We have different groups of college friends. And we always have many conflicts but it always end up with forgiveness and lalalala everything would always back to normal. Sometimes we're not always have to search for the perfect mate, all we need to do is understanding.

Firna Alfiona Tellysa Muntu
a.k.a. Firna / Neneng
21 yrs old,
Study Information System at ITHB Bandung

Valentino Debora Rumapea
a.k.a. valent / tnelav / tino, whatever you want! :)))
22 yrs old,
Study International Bussiness Administration at Sam Ratulangi University Manado

Vieta Amelia Rohmatin
a.k.a. Unyil (because she's the smallest like an elementary school kiddo! haha)
20 yrs old
Graduated from Public Health at Sam Ratulangi University Manado

Pradipta Paramita Dewi (it's me!)
a.k.a Dipta / Dippy
20 yrs old
Graduated from Architecture at Tarumanagara University Jakarta

Can you see the diversity we have? But we would always getting back together !
We love to go to karaoke, sing and play guitar, eat pizzas, watching sunset, laughing, and make jokes everywhere to everyone!

"The only thing why we can keep this together for a long time is stay true even the truth sometimes hurts. We are always keep everything true, and keep it under control." - Vieta R.

Thanks Firna for made our day with this stuff!

Firna is our best singer, means she always sing for us from the bottom of her heart and by the way i thank you for this video that made for me and your sister! :)

They are always been my greatest terror when i do something inappropriate, they always come with their sword in their mouth. They are the greatest supporter for everything. They are the best reminder and joymaker ever!
They always keep me walking on the right track.

"For good times and bad times I'll be on your side forevermore, that's what friends are for. Well you came and opened me. And now there's so much more I see, and so by the way I thank you" 

"I heard that friendship that seems to last more than 7 yrs probably would last for a lifetime." - Pradipta D.

Yes, and we're getting closer to that number. Seven years, we'd beat you! :)

ye, we are :'

You've Got A Friend In Me from Toy Story 3 Motion Picture

Count On Me by Bruno Mars

Youve Got a Friend by McFly, originally performed by Carol King.

and some of memorable song, but it's as personal. and here's mine.
Try by P!nk
 the song used in our judicium of  STUPA 8.15 a month ago. Get up and try, try, try! :)

That's What Friends are For by Dione Warwick
covered by my best friend Firna Muntu with some slideshow of me, Firna, Vieta, and Valent's happy time together. Yes we are! This song have been our favorite until now. In the karaoke, on the street, in the mall, everytime we are together this song is a must!

are we friends?
Yes, we are :)

you are never really give up, don't you?

weakness is the only camouflage
the only strength you'd never confess.
you get happy and so in love
with crayons that coloring the rainbow
yes we're just those kiddos,
lost in this empty boulevard
we fight for those crayons!
we have strength inside
and sometimes those fighters have to decide
whether they'd leave
or get left behind.

these  photo were taken and were  the copyright of :
Photo 1 : Yudhistira Yamani S.
Photo 2 : Jonathan Raditya
Photo 3 : Sofie Wijaya 

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Light and Shadow

Dimana ada cahaya, disitu pula lah akan tercipta bayangan. 
Yang punya cita selalu bercahaya,
Dan yang hanya punya cinta hanya akan berbayang.
Lepaskan, lepaskan pandanganmu
Lepaskan pandangan hitammu tentang gelap.
Gelap itu bayang cahaya,
Jangan takut ketika ia mengejar.
Karena dia akan selalu mengejarmu, cahaya.

semua foto merupakan hak milik penulis, 
dokumentasi Tugas 'Light and Shadow' Fotografi Arsitektur Semester Ganjil TA 2101-2013

Ini baru Agustus, tapi sudah rindu sama semua :'

Studi Ekskursi (STUDEK) STUPA 3 Angkatan 2009
Dikoordinasi oleh Jurusan Arsitektur UNTAR, Oktober 2010
Pergi jauh bareng bersama setelah pesta penyambutan mahasiswa bareng dan raker pertama 2009. Seinget gue lebih banyak ketawanya daripada nyatetnya. But we had so much fun and so much knowledge!

Renovasi Ruang IMARTA
Dikoordinasi oleh pengurus IMARTA, Oktober 2010
Bersih - bersih dan renovasi sendiri dengan hasil yang memuaskan :') Senior, junior, benar - benar nggak ada bedanya disini semua sama-sama kerja dan saling ngetawain. Sampai saat ini renovasi IMA oleh kita sendiri belum pernah seheboh ini lagi 'ngancurinnya'.

PMB (Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru) Mahasiswa Teknik
Dikoordinasi oleh BEM Teknik UNTAR, setiap Bulan Agustus (foto : PMB 2011)
Liat gue pake kemeja putih, kedua dari kiri? Iya bidang gue di PMB memang bidang eksis sekaligus memalukan, The A Team alias Acara (wey Dea, ngapain lo gaya beda sendiri!). I miss our teamwork a lot. Really, a lot. Diana, Ewet, Doroth, Ingrid, Maya, Dea, Daniel, Dennis, Yudhis, Debby, Risa, dan Andi. Sahabat kerja rangkaian PMB di 2 tahun yang berbeda. Selalu ada hal kocak kalo PMB deh, selamat datang adik-adik!
Ini ada video yang dibuat pengurus IMARTA buat adik-adik 2012. Heh, kita harusnya iri tau! Cuma angkatan lo yang dikasih beginian! :')

Buka Bersama (BUKBER)
Dikoordinasi oleh Biro Pengabdian Masyarakat IMARTA, 25 Agustus 2011
Buka bersama? Buka apaan cobaa! Ya buka puasa lah hahah gue bersyukur dan berterima kasih banget ini bukber di IMARTA yang paling rame, sampai harus pesan makanan lebih dari yang kita sediakan. Love you all guys :')

Dikoordinasi oleh seluruh pengurus IMARTA,tiap awal libur pergantian tahun ajaran
Foto ini diambil pada saat RAKER tahun 2011. Di foto tiga sahabat oon gue lagi tiduran sambil sok - sokan takut candid (yaelah tong). Dibelakangnya yang bunder pake baju item tulisan 'arsitektur' itu gue (akhirnya bentuk gue nongol difoto :'' gara-gara kali ini bukan hasil jepretan gue ).

Jalan - Jalan Arsitektur (JJARS) Bandung
Dikoordinasi oleh Biro Kesenian dan Observasi, 03 Februari 2012
Seru banget dan banyak kejadian bodoh. Sempat mengunjungi Selasar Sunaryo dan Observatorium Bosscha, gilak, benda jadoel ini sistem mekanisnya luar biasa canggih meskipun tidak computerized! Bisa nebak dong di Bosscha pasti pada adegan sok-sok Petualangan Sherina hahahaha
Oh ya ini bukan satu-satunya JJARS kita loh. Ada JJARS Bali, JJARS dalam kota, JJARS Bangkok, JJARS Malang, dan yang sebelum-sebelumnya gue juga nggak ngalamin hehe pokoknya asik gilak!

 Gelar Kesenian (GK)
Dikoordinasi oleh seluruh mahasiswa baru Jurusan Arsitektur, setiap Bulan Desember
Namanya juga geka, semacam pensi gitu lah ya. Isinyaa band, tarian, photobooth, semua yang fun. Dan biasanya gue udah punya tim sendiri yang terdiri dari ciwe-ciwe mahasiswa arsitek hiperaktif yang demen ngamblesin lutut, sebagai 'penari saman panggilan' hahaha serius acara ini seru banget kalo kalian mau gabung dan heboh-hebohin acaranya, karena semua angkatan kekumpul disini dan sayang buat dilewatin.

 HUT SKETSA (Majalah Arsitektur Mahasiswa UNTAR)
Dikoordinasi oleh Panitia HUT SKETSA yang diambil melalui Open Recruitment, Setiap akhir Bulan April atau awal Bulan Mei.
HUT SKETSA ini sangat fun tapi acaranya lebih bersifat 'khusyuk', ada rangkaian seminar, workshop, lomba fotografi, arch goes to school, pameran, dan lain - lain yang closingnya biasanya mendatangkan artis kayak Tangga, Gruvi, Ten 2 Five, Abdul & The Coffee Theory, dan Soulvibe. Ini foto tahun 2012 di Main Piazza Mall Gandaria City. Sebelumnya di kampus UNTAR, dan sebelumnya lagi di eX Plaza Indonesia. Hut 24 tahun 2013 ini? Di Museum Nasional dong! Menyesuaikan temanya, ' Kampung Masa Depan Kota' suasananya Indonesia banget dan ini sejujurnya HUT SKETSA favorit gue, gue suka Indonesia diangkat segini indahnya sama mahasiswa, kawan-kawan gue sendiri. Guest Star-nya? Kita dong! Pendopo! Mardianto Kurniawan, Pradipta Dewi, Rachel Febrina, dan Luthfi Yuta. hahaha
(demo kita ituloh yang 'Halo Layang-Layang Bandung' di post dibawah, dengerin ya :""")

 Tamasya Sekolah Rakyat (SR) IMARTA 2012
Dikoordinasi oleh Biro Pengmas IMARTA dan para mahasiswa arsitektur UNTAR yang tergabung dalam volunteer pengajar SR. Btw makasih banyak loh kalian :')
Ini acara lucu banget! Meskipun lo pastinya bukan murid kita atau mungkin belum pernah ikut ngajar, kalian, siapapun, boleh berkunjung ke kelas kita di lantai 8 gedung teknik, IMARTA (hubungi PengMas ya di Sekretariat IMARTA, lantai 8 juga). Boleh juga gabung di acara-acara heboh kayak ini. Serius kita semua gosong dan keringetan secara ini di TMII. Yang ikut banyak loh, ini setengahnya lagi berteduh kepanasan sambil minum es jeruk dan es teh haha. Disana kita masuk ke museum - museum dan main games seru sama anak-anak murid kita ini. Makasih kakak-kakak pengajar, makasih IMARTA, buat tenaga, waktu, dan semua material yang kalian keluarkan secara sukarela buat membantu Biro PengMas mewujudkan kebahagiaan kecil ini :')

Gue, Pradipta Paramita Dewi, angkatan 2009, berpredikat 'marjinal' dan 'tukang lawak' menyatakan dengan penuh kesadaran,
Gue rindu banget sama 315 (sebutan buat anak Arsitek UNTAR karena NIM kita semua diawali oleh 315), semua acara serunya, semua ketawanya, semua berantemnya, dan semua mikir barengnya meskipun disini gue ga sempat masukin semua acara arsitek yang pernah gue ikutin. Mau tau penilaian gue? Kalian semua selera humornya teramat tinggi, tapi kerja kalian selalu profesional dan penuh kerjasama.
Dan percayalah semua mahasiswa baru, jauh sebelum kalian mengenakan almamater kita untuk pertama kali, kita sudah mempersiapkan penyambutan besar dan mempersiapkan perapian yang hangat dan nyaman buat kita semua. Kalau kalian merasa kita tidak mencintai kalian seenggaknya sebelum tahun berganti, kompalin ke gue. NIM gue sebelum lulus 131, apalin tuh. Nilailah sendiri keluarga seperti apa yang membentuk pribadi yang sangat cinta sama 315 seperti gue dan kawan-kawan gue ini :')

(ucapkan tiga kali , ini mantra keramat. jangan lupa tangannya mengepal ke udara ya!)

Halo Layang - Layang Bandung!

Me and some of my friends (only a little numbers of them) have a big interest in national, children folk song, or ethnic musics. So here they are, with Mardi's little incredible arrangement.

click here for the link :

"I wanna get back to where i belong"

Home - Chris Daughtry

"I've not always been the best man or friend for you. But your love it makes true and I don't know why you always seem to give me another try. So I'm going home, back to the place where I belong and where your love has always been enough for me."
"Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it all. You just might get it all and then some you don't want"

Home - Westlife
"Another winter day has come and go away even in Paris or Rome.  But i wanna go home. Let me go home. Am just too far from where you are. I just wanna go home."

Come Home - One Republic
" Cause right now there's a world between the vanities, and all i see is you and me. And a fight for you is all i ever know. So come home."

Stop This Train - John Mayer
" Stop this train, i wanna get up and go home again. Can't stop this speed is moving in. No, i can't, but now i see i'll never stop this train."

Arms - Christina Perri
"I hope that you see right through my wall. I hope that you'll catch me 'cause am already falling. I'll never let our love get so close. You put your arms around me and i'm home."

Sama Saja

Lupakanlah semua kata
Melaju cepat atau lewat perlahan
Hentikanlah semua upaya
Memahami dan dipahami
Pahit atau manis, tak ada yang peduli lagi
Sama saja
Kembalilah dengan sendirinya
Pada ibu, pada rumah
Aku rasa tidak perlu penunjuk jalan
Semoga lampu jalan lorong
Tidak mati termakan usia
Langkah kecil butuh cahaya,
Untuk menjumpai pintu runah

Ten Confessions You May Not Know About Me (Yet)

1. I always mispelled my nickname 'Dipta' onto 'Jippi' when i was a little kid. So Jippi had been my childhood name for years and now i use it for my e-mail.

2. I only visited Bunaken once, without diving or snorkeling, when i was born in Manado and live there for 16 years.

3. I live near a very big soccer field. When i was a kid i always be a 'parking man' when there's a big football match.

4. I love climbing trees.

5. I almost being a swimming athlete when i was in elementary school, but i am so scared of deep water at that time.

6. I love plushy toys and remote-controlled vehicles at once.

7. When i was in the pre-school my grandmother misgrabbing me and grabbed an umbrella instead because i am so so skinny at the time.

8. I love angklung and played it everyday in my pre-school.

9. I can never play badminton even i am Indonesian.

10. When i was a kid i was a big fan of Liverpool.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

hipnotis autis

Selama ini gue banyak ngepost soal musik indie yang mengagumkan, dan kebanyakan easy listening, soul, blues, atau jazz. Tapi gue suka juga kok musik yang lebih 'rame' dari genre yang beda-beda dan dari major label juga. Sampai gue menyimpulkan gue 'ga punya selera' saking ngga memihaknya sama satu genre hahaha. Hope you enjoy them too!

Seether - Country Song
Jadi begok dengerinnya kehipnotis-hipnotis lucu sama irama rock dan country nya.

One Republic - Come Home
Lagunya One Republic selalu menusuk (etdah menusuuk) dan indah, terutama karena suaranya Ryan Tedder yang jujur-jujur memelas hahaha. Oh iya, ini lagu GALAU!

Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober
Sebenernya lagu mereka menghipnotis semua. Oh iya Evanescence itu nama band mereka loh, bukan nama cewek ini. Namanya Amy Lee, vokalis Evanesceence (soalnya banyak yang salah sangka)

Panic! At The Disco - That Green Gentleman
Video clip nya lucuu haha gue suka mereka selalu memasukkan unsur 'cerita' dalam setiap karya mereka, dan itu yang membuat mereka selalu menarik selain musiknya yang kaya.

Knife Party - Internet Friends
Ini sih lagu jedak-jeduk ga jelas kalo kata ade gue. Mungkin genre-nya dubstep kali ya? Lagu ini diperknalkan oleh salah seorang sahabat gue, dan gue terutama suka sama aksen ceweknya yang kayak agen rahasianya britain heheh

Norah Jones - Seven Years
Penyanyi cewek ini punya suara yang seimut mukanya, dan lagu yang damai-damai lucu.  Entah kenapa lagu ini selalu ngingetin gue akan perempatan Tomang-Juanda-Harmoni-Abdul Moeis di Jakarta Pusat. Mungkin gara-gara gue sering banget ngedengerin lagu ini di headset gue setiap pagi di perjalanan ke kampus gue , UNTAR. Sambil naik busway tapinya kakak  jadi ga ala-ala video klip lah ya.

Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven
Banyak yang bilang mereka band alay, tapi bagi gue nggak dan gue suka mereka (banget). Semua lagu mereka juga enak, tapi gue milih yang satu ini karena ketidak-sinkonannya judul dan makna sebenarnya dari lagu ini.

Duncan James ft. Keedie - I Believe My Heart
Yang ini mellow - mellow selaw dan entah kenapa lagu ini selalu bikin gue deg-degan tiap dengerinnya hahaha

Elton John - Your Song
Lagu yang menceritakan lagu itu sendiri, indah dan jujur banget. Dalam kata lain, "Could i marry you?" :')

The Beatles - Here, There, and Everywhere
Ini lagu udah sering modar-mandir di kuping gue sejak cilik, dan nggak tau kenapa sangat membekas. Belakangan gue perhatikan lagu ini pas accidentally dengerin di McD puri, liriknya juga indah minta ampun :')

Muse - United States of Eurasia
Gue ga setuju sih kalo mereka dibilang musisi rock (aja). Menurut gue mereka adalah musisi rock eksperimental. Contoh ter-eksperimental-freak-tapi jadinya keren ada di lagu ini.

Linkin Park - Wisdom, Justice, and Love
Lagu yang cuma berisi pidato salah satu orang penting dunia, yang efek suaranya menggambarkan perubahan ke-manusiawi-an manusia menjadi makhluk tanpa hati, seperti robot.

Jason Mraz - Try, Try, Try
Suara kucing di awal lagu bikin kita pengen ngakak! hahaha tapi kelanjutan lagu Jason Mraz adalah selalu irama catchy dengan lirik puitis yang nggak cheesy. Dan terutama, maknanya selalu dalam. Lagu dia selalu indah! :')

John Mayer - Clarity
Luar biasa kan mengingat ini theme song iklan pasta gigi! Tapi Lagu ini sering gue nyanyiin sama sahabat gue kalau pulang kuliah dulu, di jalan meninggalkan stasiun. Dan berakhir ngakak karena jadinya kayak auman serigala. Padahal lagunya indah banget auuuuw

Sebenernya super banyak lagu yang bagus di telinga maupun hati gue (ceileh hati..makan tuh semur!) tapi gue ga sanggup naroh semuanya saking banyaknya. So they are, the las one for this time.

Gravity - Sara Bareilles
Lagu yang dinyanyikan cewek ini juga selalu indah. Tapi lagu yang satu ini mendapat predikat dari kita se-jurusan sebagai 'lagu galau' untuk semua. Tapi beneran kok, hahaha
"Set me free, leave me be, i don't wanna fall another moment in your gravity. Here i am, and i stand so tall just the way am supposed to be." Nah.